Posted by Steve Wright

FUTURE FAMILIES FORUM Saturday, May 21st at 6:30pm Same Sex Marriage It's impact on you and your family. Speakers: Dr Jennifer Roback Morse & Dr David Van Gend.

FUTURE FAMILIES FORUM – Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia – Marriage Committee, invites you to an evening of discussion and insight on the topic of “Same Sex ‘Marriage’ and how it can impact you, your family and children”

DATE: Saturday, 21 May 2106

FUTURE FAMILIES FORUM invites you to an evening of discussion and insight on the topic of “Same Sex ‘Marriage’ and how it can impact you, your family and children”, to be held at the Greek Orthodox Parish and Community of “All Saints” in Belmore, (Corner Isabel and Cecilia Streets, Belmore South, New South Wales).

The panel of internationally renowned experts Dr David Van Gend & Dr Roback Morse will share their thoughts on the topic in what promises to be an informative and lively discussion. Saturday, May 21st at 6:30pm.
Brought to you by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia – Marriage Committee.