Multimedia: Radio Broadcasts
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New South Wales
Orthros and Divine Liturgy is broadcast live on the internet by 2MM Radio Station from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “The Cathedral of the Annunciation of Our Lady,” Redfern Sydney, NSW.
Sunday mornings 8am – 11am, Holy Week and big Feast days.
Orthros and Divine Liturgy is broadcast live on the internet by Galaxias Radio Station from the Greek Orthodox Church of “Saint Athanasios,” Rookwood Cemetery, Sydney, NSW.
Sunday mornings 8am – 11am, Holy Week and big Feast days.
Orthros and Divine Liturgy is broadcast live on the internet by Symban radio station from the Greek Orthodox Parish of “St Stephanos,” Hurlstone Park, Sydney, NSW.
Sunday mornings 8am – 11am, Holy Week and big Feast days.
Orthros and Divine Liturgy is broadcast live on the internet by Paradisos radio station from the Greek Orthodox Parish & Comminuty of “St Paraskeve,” Blacktown, Sydney, NSW.
Sunday mornings 8am – 11am, Holy Week and big Feast days.
Orthros and Divine Liturgy is broadcast live on the internet by Radio club radio station from the Greek Orthodox Parish & Comminuty of “All Saints,” Belmore, Sydney, NSW.
Sunday mornings 8 am – 11 am
Voice of Orthodoxy Programme:
* 2MM AM 1665 – Sunday 10:45 πμ / am
* Symban 2ERA FM 151.675 (scanner) – Sunday 11:00 πμ / am
* Galaxias FM 151.850 (scanner) – Sunday 5:30 μμ / pm
* Radio Club AM 1683 – Thursday 3:30 μμ / pm
Voice of the Church Programme:
* 2MM AM 1665 – Saturday 6 μμ / pm – 6:30 μμ / pm,
repeated on Sunday 7:30 πμ / am – 8 πμ / am
South Australia
Orthros and Divine Liturgy is broadcast live on the internet by Radio Ena from the Greek Orthodox Parish & Community of “St George,” Thebarton, Adelaide SA.
Sunday mornings 8am – 11am, Holy Week and big Feast days.
A) Religious Program from The Greek Orthodox Parish & Community of “St George,” Thebarton every Tuesday from 3pm – 3.30pm by Very Rev. Diogenis Patsouris
B) Religious Program from The Greek Orthodox Parish & Community of “St Spyridon,” Unley every Thursday from 3.30pm – 4pm by Rev. John Psalios
C) Religious Program from The Greek Orthodox Parish & Community of “The Prophet Elias,” Norwood every Wednesday from 3.30 – 4pm by Rev. Stauros Psarommatis
Orthros and Divine Liturgy is broadcast live on radio by 3XY Radio Hellas station from the Greek Orthodox Parish of “The Presentation of Our Lady,” North Balwyn, Melbourne, VIC.
- Sunday 8:30am – 11am, Orthros and Divine Liturgy
- Sunday 11:30am – 12am, Religious Programme of Christian Youth
- Tuesday 2:30pm – 3:30pm, Voice of Orthodoxy Programme in Greek
- Wednesday 7:30pm – 8pm, Voice of Orthodoxy Programme in English